NWYLC – Preliminary Registration

Just fill out the Electronic Application Form below. Carefully read the notes.

The full name and email of the approving official is required.

The required check must be received prior to final NWYLC Registrar action.

The Scholarship check for $60 must be received by May 2nd with a “Reason for Requesting a Scholarship” statement attached that includes a School Representative Endorsement. Scholarships will be approved by May16th. Processing Fees for Scholarships not approved will be returned.

Make checks out to NWYLC Foundation.
Mail to:
Alan M. Mandigo
4610 29th Ave NE
Tacoma, WA 98422

Questions: Call or email:
CDR Alan Mandigo USN (Ret) NWYLC Registrar
Cell 253-241-9502 (talk or text) [email protected]

An alternative to the electronic form is to download a preliminary application, print it, fill it out and send it with your registration fee to the address above.

Click here.