Patriotic Education Details

More about the
Patriotic Education Program (PEP).

The Patriotic Education is a multi-faceted program that features formal patriotic and civic education, recognition programs and elements, Youth Leadership Conferences (YLC), Youth Leadership Seminars (YLS), Massings of Colors (MOC) and other patriotic events. a. Youth Leadership Conferences (YLC®) and Youth Leadership Seminars (YLS).

YLCs are multi-day events to help high school equivalent students learn to identify the basic elements of leadership needed in the maintenance of a free society and identify the basic concepts of the free enterprise system and the foundation upon which this nation was built. Students also develop an appreciation for the Constitution as the significant foundation of our country, gain respect for our Flag and what it symbolizes, and an awareness of the responsibilities of every citizen toward the perpetuation of our rights and freedoms and develop and apply leadership skills to enable them to become better citizens and the future leaders of our country.

YLCs and YLSs are MOWW defined and, at the local level (chapter or chapter group) are structured, orchestrated, staffed with skilled instructors, and supervised by well-qualified team leaders and counselors. The curriculum varies somewhat from YLC to YLC, but the general curriculum mix goal is 50 percent of class time is devoted to leadership, 30 percent to the subjects of the US government, US history, the US Constitution and Americanism & Patriotism, and 20 percent to the Free Enterprise System and the US economy. YLSs are single-day or theme-based events (e.g., Law and Order, the judicial system), covering the YLC focus in an abbreviated way or focusing on a topic and are not constrained to only being for high school students. Both event types undergo an annual accreditation process, are annually submitted to the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), and thus far, have been annually deemed by NASSP to meet its educational and program requirement standards and listed on the NASSP List of Approved Contests, Programs and Activities for Students.

Some YLCs and YLSs are conducted under Resolutions of Cooperation with the National Sojourners, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) and the Joe Foss Institute. We also recruit from other organizations, e.g., Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, and the National Honor Society.

Massing of Colors (MOC) Program. A MOC can be an indoor or outdoor event and conducted at a venue accommodating the parading of the Colors and having ample seating for spectators and a central stage. The event includes the National Colors and organizational colors of each participating color guard unit, a master of ceremonies, an invocation, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of National Anthem, and the reading of the MOWW “Preamble,” which states the principles guiding MOWW’s service to others. Typically, a benediction and a short keynote speech complementing the patriotic significance of the event, and a bugler playing “Taps” to honor fallen service members are also included. Outdoor events may also include a rifle squad or cannon battery salute. Massing of Colors details are at Appendix H, “Massing of Colors.

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