The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) is a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) chartered by the United States Congress and accredited by the United Stated Department of Veterans Affairs. It was established in 1919.
Members (Companions) include active duty, retired and former Federally commissioned and warrant officers and Senior Enlisted (E-7, E-8, E-9) of the uniformed services of the United States. This includes the US Army (USA), US Navy (USN), US Marine Corps (USMC), and the US Air Force (USAF). It also includes the US Coast Guard (USCG), United States Public Health Service (USPHS), and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Our Mission:
Provide opportunities to support veterans of all ranks and service, youth patriotic education, college ROTC and high school JROTC, Scouting, monuments and memorials, law and order, national and homeland security programs, and inculcate and stimulate love of our country and flag.
Our Preamble:
To cherish the memories and associations of the World Wars waged for humanity;
To inculcate and stimulate love of our country and flag;
To promote and further patriotic education in our nation;
Ever to maintain law and order, and to defend the honor, integrity, and supremacy of our national government and the Constitution of the United States;
To foster fraternal relations among all branches of the armed forces;
To promote the cultivation of military, naval, and air science and the adoption of a consistent and suitable policy of national security for the United States of America;
To acquire and preserve records of individual services;
To encourage and assist in the holding of commemorations and the establishment of memorials of the World Wars; and
To transmit all these ideals to posterity; under God and for our country, we unite to establish…
The Military Order of the World Wars.
Our Oath.
“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will selflessly serve as a Companion of the Order with a sincere spirit of volunteerism, that I will promote the principles, goals, and policies of the Order according to its Constitution, Bylaws, Strategic Plan, and Policy Manual, and that I will support the directions of the officers elected and appointed over me. I do further hereby pledge myself to abide by the MOWW Code of Ethics, which I have read and with which I agree, so help me God.”
Watch a video about the history and current events going on with the MOWW.